The Great American Bash 1987 - Night 4
Statistics of JCP - The Great American Bash 1987 - Night 4 (Atlanta, United States - 1987)
different wrestlers
Fights & Wrestlers
Match Ratings
Event Details
Date : 1987-07-04
Country United States
State : Georgia
City : Atlanta
Place : Omni Coliseum
Match Details
12 wins or losses
0 draws or no-contests
3 championship matches
Time in the ring
00:06:34 average fight time
01:18:52 total fight time
excluding 1 matches where the duration is unknown
Wrestlers in the ring
Buddy Rogers
Barry Windham
Tully Blanchard
Jimmy Valiant
Ric Flair
Robert Gibson
Terry Gordy
Black Bart
Road Warrior Hawk
Stan Lane
Road Warrior Animal
Arn Anderson
Ricky Morton
Dick Murdoch
Ivan Koloff
Lex Luger
Rick Steiner
Dusty Rhodes
Big Bubba Rogers
The Barbarian
Steve Williams
Ronnie Garvin
Michael Hayes
Kendall Windham
Bobby Eaton
Jimmy Garvin
Manny Fernandez
Nikita Koloff
Vladimir Petrov
Thunderfoot #1
Tim Horner
Lazer Tron
Brad Armstrong
Gladiator #1
Angel of Death
Chris Adams
Paul Jones
J. J. Dillon
Paul Ellering