Ultraviolent Kingdom7
Card, notes and results of the show H2O - Ultraviolent Kingdom7 (Williamstown, United States - 2024)
Anthraxx VS Bam Sullivan
Ultraviolent Kingdom 7
Fans Bring the Weapons Match
Death Match
Colby Corino VS Toby Farley
Ultraviolent Kingdom 7
Taipei Death Match
Staple Gun Death Match
Mouse VS Remington Rhor
Ultraviolent Kingdom 7
Four Corners of Pain Match
Pits Of Hell Death Match
Tommy Vendetta VS Alex Stretch
Ultraviolent Kingdom 7
Cataclysm Of Barbed Wire Death Match
Deklan Grant (c) VS Marcus Mathers
H2O Heavyweight Championship Match
Kristian Ross VS KillDozer
Death Match
GG Everson VS Braxx VS Jess Moss VS Duncan Aleem VS Johnny Radex VS JB Anderson VS Leroy Robinson VS Nick Papagiorgio VS President Hawkins VS Louie Ramos VS Kody Manhorn VS Lady Blakely VS Louie Jr. VS Mikey Anarchy
Hardcore Match
Rumble Match
H2O Danny Havoc Hardcore Championship Concurrent n°1
Bam Sullivan VS Colby Corino VS Alex Stretch VS Remington Rhor
Ultraviolent Kingdom 7
Four-Way Match
Shattered Dreams Match
Death Match