Results of EVE 117: Multiverse Rumble
Event results EVE - EVE 117: Multiverse Rumble (London, United Kingdom - 2024)
Su Yung defeats Kasey and Millie McKenzie and Session Moth Martina and Nightshade and Skye Smitson
Six-Way Match
Ivy & Lana Austin defeat Anita Vaughan & Debbie Keitel
Tag Team Match
M62 Wrecking Crew (Alexxis Falcon & Lizzy Evo) defeat Kanji & Aleah James
Tag Team Match
Nina Samuels defeats Safire Reed (c)
EVE Championship Match
Lampshade defeats Baywatch Lifeguards and Edina & Patsy and John Cena and Lara Croft and Right To Censor and Susan and The Mask and The Crow and Theresa May and Captain Hook and Man Like Millie and Mario & Luigi and Zizi Shark
Rumble Match