Let's Get Ready To Rumble
Card, notes and results of the show DCW - Let's Get Ready To Rumble (Kidderminster, United Kingdom - 2024)
King Devla & Tiger Shah & Zac Walker VS Ryan Parrott & Brandon Jordan & Harry Cruise
Six-Person Tag Team Match
Millie McKenzie VS Samuel Hughes
Ricky Rowley VS Jesse Dynamite
Leighton LeBlanc (c) & Alex Connors (c) VS TJ Sky & Joey Scott
Tag Team Match
DCW Tag Team Championship Match
Coach Mahon (c) VS Caleb Konley
DCW Worcestershire Championship Match
Bradley Osborne VS Will Stevens VS Blake Violet VS Brandon Jordan VS Coach Mahon VS Drake Wynter VS Jack Charles Hood VS Harry Cruise VS Hastur VS Jesse Dynamite VS Hazz Hype VS Leighton LeBlanc VS King Devla VS Rey Connor VS Ronnie G VS Romulus VS Samuel Hughes VS Suicide VS Zac Walker VS Ryan Parrott VS TJ Sky VS Alex Connors VS Brocko Black VS Danny Sky VS Eddie Benz VS Jay Cee VS Lenny Lynch VS Reed Lahava VS Ricky Rowley VS Tiger Shah
Rumble Match