WrestleCon 2014
Statistics of PWG - WrestleCon 2014 (New Orleans, United States - 2014)
different wrestlers
Fights & Wrestlers
Match Ratings
Event Details
Date : 2014-04-05
Country United States
State : Louisiana
City : New Orleans
Place : The Sugar Mill
Crowd : 800
Match Details
11 wins or losses
0 draws or no-contests
1 championship matches
Time in the ring
00:01:00 average fight time
00:11:00 total fight time
excluding 10 matches where the duration is unknown
Wrestlers in the ring
Kevin Steen
Cedric Alexander
Drew Gulak
Adam Pearce
Colt Cabana
Christopher Daniels
Matt Striker
Tommy Dreamer
Chris Hero
Dave Crist
Jake Crist
Adam Page
Jeff Jarrett
Joey Ryan
Shane Helms
Candice LeRae
Trevor Lee
Timothy Thatcher
Masato Tanaka
Michael Elgin
David Starr
Sojournor Bolt
Andrew Everett
Kimber Lee
Luke Hawx
Jake Manning
Cassidy Riley
Steve Corino
Corey Hollis
Bu Ku Dao
Bolt Brady
Kellie Skater
Arik Royal
DJ Hyde