Family Reunion
Statistics of BLP - Family Reunion (Chicago, United States - 2024)
different wrestlers
Fights & Wrestlers
Match Ratings
Event Details
Date : 2024-06-07
Country United States
State : Illinois
City : Chicago
Place : Logan Square Auditorium
Match Details
11 wins or losses
0 draws or no-contests
4 championship matches
Time in the ring
00:00:00 average fight time
00:00:00 total fight time
excluding 11 matches where the duration is unknown
Wrestlers in the ring
Tom Lawlor
Big Damo
Axel Tischer
Joey Janela
Kylie Rae
Shazza McKenzie
Lee Moriarty
Janai Kai
Rico Gonzalez
Cole Radrick
Jordan Oliver
Alec Price
Trevor Outlaw
Shane Sabre
Dominic Garrini
Billie Starkz
Kevin Ku
Dan The Dad
August Matthews
Davey Bang
Miyu Yamashita
Matt Makowski
Koda Hernandez
Maggie Lee
Rachel Armstrong
Sabin Gauge
Myung-Jae Lee
Damien Reel
Damon Reel
Dex Royal
Hayden Backlund