G*Top 2nd
Statistics of AJW - G*Top 2nd (Tokyo, Japan - 1995)
different wrestlers
Fights & Wrestlers
Match Ratings
Event Details
Date : 1995-05-07
Country Japan
City : Tokyo
Place : Korakuen Hall
Match Details
8 wins or losses
0 draws or no-contests
2 championship matches
Time in the ring
00:15:27 average fight time
02:03:36 total fight time
excluding 0 matches where the duration is unknown
Wrestlers in the ring
Lioness Asuka
Aja Kong
Bull Nakano
Etsuko Mita
Yumiko Hotta
Mariko Yoshida
Tomoko Watanabe
Takako Inoue
Mima Shimoda
Kyoko Inoue
Manami Toyota
Suzuka Minami
Bison Kimura
Akira Hokuto
Kaoru Ito
Rie Tamada
Kumiko Maekawa
Mr. Buddha Man
Chaparita ASARI
Tomezo Tsunokake
Reggie Bennett
Yumi Fukawa
Yoshiko Tamura
Nobue Endo