Our F'N Show
Card, notes and results of the show 123 - Our F'N Show (Montréal, Canada - 2024)
MTH & Shawn Knyte VS Corthez Komodo & Alex Moore
Tag Team Match
Brad Alekxis VS Bray Dello Russo
Bulldog Turner & Tommy Sixx VS Georges Le Fermier & Le Petit Cochon
Tag Team Match
Camus VS Jason Petitclerc
Lafontaine Park Street Fight Match
Benny P VS Keven Gray VS Tyler Nox VS Corey Jackson VS Kristara VS Stingray Beretta
Six-Way Match
Jessika Black VS Dreya Mitchell
Jeremy Prophet VS Dustin Waller
Sonny D Soleil & Sonray T VS Wilson Colas & Jonny Taco
Tag Team Match
JT Producer (c) VS Marquise Wild Kard
123 Lutte Grand Championship Match
Green Phantom VS Dark Phantom