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Pro Wrestling-Kämpfe

Sehen Sie sich die vorgestellten Kämpfe an | Fight Of The Night

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Mexxberg VS Mirko Panic VS Martn Pain
UKWA - 2023 - Catch Cup, nacht 2 - Three-Way Match
Rockn Rolla (c) VS Lucifer Lohan
UKWA - 2023 - Catch Cup, nacht 2 - UKWA Heavyweight Championship Match
Martn Pain VS Mirko Panic
UKWA - 2023 - Catch Cup, nacht 2
Chris Colen VS Mexxberg
UKWA - 2023 - Catch Cup, nacht 2
Martn Pain VS Damon Brix
UKWA - 2023 - Catch Cup, nacht 2
Martn Pain VS Damon Brix
UKWA - 2023 - Catch Cup, nacht 2
Alexander Berkner VS Mirko Panic
UKWA - 2023 - Catch Cup, nacht 2
Chris Colen VS Michael Kovac
UKWA - 2023 - Catch Cup, nacht 2
Mexxberg VS Rage
UKWA - 2023 - Catch Cup, nacht 2
Zelina Power VS Moxie
UKWA - 2023 - Catch Cup, nacht 1
Darius VS Lucifer Lohan
UKWA - 2023 - Catch Cup, nacht 1
Sultanov VS Mexxberg (c)
UKWA - 2023 - Catch Cup, nacht 1 - UKWA Steiermark Championship Match
Joe Bravo & Binolt Leach VS Tommy Torpedo
UKWA - 2023 - Catch Cup, nacht 1 - Handicap Match
Rockn Rolla (c) VS Krampus
UKWA - 2023 - Catch Cup, nacht 1 - UKWA Heavyweight Championship Match
Moxie VS Betty Boa
UKWA - 2023 - Catch Cup, nacht 1
Darius VS Joe Bravo
UKWA - 2023 - Catch Cup, nacht 1
Diotima VS Zelina Power
UKWA - 2023 - Catch Cup, nacht 1
Lucifer Lohan VS Tamatou
UKWA - 2023 - Catch Cup, nacht 1
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