Gorilla Position

ROH - Kämpfe

Die neuesten und größten Kämpfe der Promotion Ring Of Honor, nach Kategorie, Bestimmung, Datum oder Ort sortieren.

Roderick Strong VS Alex Koslov
ROH - 2009 - Take No Prisoners 2009
Blue Demon Jr. VS Brent Albright VS Claudio Castagnoli
ROH - 2009 - Take No Prisoners 2009 - Three-Way Match
Jimmy Jacobs VS Necro Butcher
ROH - 2009 - Take No Prisoners 2009 - No-Disqualification Match
Sweet & Sour Inc. VS El Generico & Jay Briscoe & Kevin Steen & Magno
ROH - 2009 - Take No Prisoners 2009 - Eight-person Tag Team Match
Ace Steel VS Colt Cabana
ROH - 2009 - Take No Prisoners 2009
Rhett Titus VS Luke Williams
ROH - 2009 - Take No Prisoners 2009
Alex Payne & Bobby Dempsey & Andy Ridge VS Darin Childs & Don Juan & Mike Dell
ROH - 2009 - Take No Prisoners 2009 - Six-Person Tag Team Match
Grizzly Redwood VS Ernie Osiris
ROH - 2009 - Take No Prisoners 2009
Sweet & Sour Inc. VS Ace Steel & Brent Albright & Erick Stevens & Jay Briscoe & Roderick Strong
ROH - 2009 - Caged Collision - Steel Cage Warfare Match
Nigel McGuinness (c) VS El Generico
ROH - 2009 - Caged Collision - ROH World Championship Match
Austin Aries VS Bryan Danielson VS Tyler Black VS Jimmy Jacobs
ROH - 2009 - Caged Collision - Four Corners Survival Match
Jerry Lynn & Necro Butcher VS The Age of the Fall
ROH - 2009 - Caged Collision - Tag Team Match
Grizzly Redwood VS Rhett Titus
ROH - 2009 - Caged Collision
Kevin Steen VS Claudio Castagnoli
ROH - 2009 - Caged Collision
Kenny King VS Silas Young VS Alex Payne
ROH - 2009 - Caged Collision - Three-Way Match
Derrick St. Holmes VS Egotistico Fantastico
ROH - 2009 - Caged Collision
The Ring Side Review VS Erin Scott & Andrew Ridgeway
ROH - 2009 - Caged Collision - Tag Team Match
Samoa Joe VS Tyler Black
ROH - 2009 - Rising Above 2008
Bryan Danielson VS Nigel McGuinness (c)
ROH - 2009 - Rising Above 2008 - ROH World Championship Match
Jimmy Jacobs VS Austin Aries
ROH - 2009 - Rising Above 2008 - I Quit Match
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