The DKC & Tomohiro Ishii & Hiroshi Tanahashi VS Team Filthy ( Jorel Nelson & Royce Isaacs & Tom Lawlor )
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Six-Person Tag Team MatchVictoire The DKC Tomohiro Ishii Hiroshi Tanahashi
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STRONG Independence Day 2023, nacht 2
- The DKC
Tomohiro Ishii - Hiroshi Tanahashi
Team Filthy
Jorel Nelson -
Team Filthy
Royce Isaacs -
Team Filthy
Tom Lawlor
Dragon Libre
Takahiro Katori
Oleg Boltin
Ryusuke Taguchi
Master Wato
Six-Person Tag Team
Oskar Leube
Satoshi Kojima
Ryohei Oiwa
Francesco Akira
Tag Team
Rocky Romero
Clark Connors
Drilla Moloney
Tag Team IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championship
Alex Zayne
Lance Archer
Bad Dude Tito
Kosei Fujita
Tag Team
Tomohiro Ishii
Hiroshi Tanahashi
Jorel Nelson
Royce Isaacs
Tom Lawlor
Six-Person Tag Team
Willow Nightingale
STRONG Women's Championship
Hirooki Goto
Gabe Kidd
Alex Coughlin
Tag Team IWGP Tag Team Championship
Eddie Kingston
Strong Openweight Championship
Jon Moxley
El Desperado
Final Death
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