Gorilla Position

Victoria - Lutas

Veja as lutas em destaque | Fight Of The Night

Encontre as últimas partidas de luta livre, classifique por empresa (WWE, AEW, NJPW, etc.), lutador (Roman Reigns, Jon Moxley, Kazuchika Okada, etc.), estipulação ou data ou local da partida.

Fulfill Your Fantasy Battle Royal
WWE - 2005 - Taboo Tuesday 2005 - Battle Royal Match , WWE Women's Championship Match
The Ladies in Pink VS Ashley Massaro & Trish Stratus
WWE - 2005 - Unforgiven 2005 - Tag Team Match
Fullfill Your Fantasy Battle Royal
WWE - 2004 - Taboo Tuesday - Battle Royal Match , WWE Women's Championship Match
Victoria VS Trish Stratus (c)
WWE - 2004 - Unforgiven 2004 - WWE Women's Championship Match
Victoria (c) VS Lita VS Gail Kim VS Trish Stratus
WWE - 2004 - Bad Blood 2004 - Fatal Four-Way Match , WWE Women's Championship Match
Trish Stratus VS Jacqueline VS Jazz (c) VS Victoria
WWE - 2003 - Judgment Day 2003 - Fatal Four-Way Match , WWE Women's Championship Match
Victoria (c) VS Tazz VS Trish Stratus
WWE - 2003 - WrestleMania XIX - Triple Threat Match , WWE Women's Championship Match
Victoria (c) VS Jacqueline VS Trish Stratus
WWE - 2002 - Armageddon 2002 - Triple Threat Match , WWE Women's Championship Match
Trish Stratus (c) VS Victoria
WWE - 2002 - Survivor Series 2002 - Hardcore Match , WWE Women's Championship Match
Trish Stratus (c) VS Victoria
WWE - 2002 - No Mercy 2002 - WWE Women's Championship Match
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