Gorilla Position

Jimmy Rave - Lutas

Veja as lutas em destaque | Fight Of The Night

Encontre as últimas partidas de luta livre, classifique por empresa (WWE, AEW, NJPW, etc.), lutador (Roman Reigns, Jon Moxley, Kazuchika Okada, etc.), estipulação ou data ou local da partida.

Jimmy Rave & Kiyoshi & Sonjay Dutt VS Young & LAX
TNA - 2009 - Genesis 2009 - Elimination Match , Six-Person Tag Team Match
10-Man X Division Rankings
TNA - 2008 - Turning Point 2008 - Elimination Match
Six Team Cuffed in the Cage Match
TNA - 2008 - Lockdown 2008 - Steel Cage Match , Tag Team Match
Latin American Xchange (Homicide & Hernandez) VS Rock 'n Rave Infection (Jimmy Rave & Lance Hoyt)
TNA - 2008 - Final Resolution 2008 #1 - Tag Team Match
Latin American Xchange (Hernandez & Homicide) & Scott Steiner & Booker T VS James Storm & Robert Roode & Rock 'n Rave Infection (Lance Hoyt & Jimmy Rave)
TNA - 2007 - iMPACT #182 - Eight-person Tag Team Match , Christmas Chaos Match , Steel Cage Match
Petey Williams & B.G. James & Senshi & Scott Steiner VS Shark Boy & Rock 'n Rave Infection (Lance Hoyt & Jimmy Rave) & Christopher Daniels & Elix Skipper & Latin American Xchange (Homicide & Hernandez) & Kip James & Chris Harris & Sonjay Dutt
TNA - 2007 - Turning Point 2007 - Feast or Fired Match
10-Team Gauntlet Match
TNA - 2007 - No Surrender 2007 - Gauntlet Match , Ten-person Tag team Match
Homicide VS Nigel McGuinness VS Bryan Danielson VS Jimmy Rave
ROH - 2006 - International Challenge - Four Corners Survival Match
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