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Veja as lutas em destaque | Fight Of The Night

Encontre as últimas partidas de luta livre, classifique por empresa (WWE, AEW, NJPW, etc.), lutador (Roman Reigns, Jon Moxley, Kazuchika Okada, etc.), estipulação ou data ou local da partida.

Balls Mahoney & Grizzly Redwood VS The Embassy (Erick Stevens & Necro Butcher)
ROH - 2010 - Glory By Honor IX - Tag Team Match
Matt Striker VS Balls Mahoney
WWE - 2006 - December to Dismember 2006 - Striker's Rules Match
Balls Mahoney VS Masato Tanaka
WWE - 2006 - ECW One Night Stand 2006 - Extreme Rules Match
Balls Mahoney & Chilly Willy VS Simon & Swinger (Simon Diamond & Swinger)
ECW - 2001 - Guilty as Charged 2001 - Tag Team Match
Balls Mahoney VS Bilvis Wesley
ECW - 2000 - Holiday Hell 2000
Balls Mahoney VS E. Z. Money
ECW - 2000 - Massacre on 34th Street
Balls Mahoney & Chilly Willy VS Da Baldies
ECW - 2000 - November to Remember 2000 - Flaming Tables Match , Tag Team Match
Balls Mahoney & Chilly Willy VS Da Baldies
ECW - 2000 - Anarchy Rulz 2000 - Tag Team Match
Balls Mahoney VS Sal E. Graziano
ECW - 2000 - Heat Wave 2000
Balls Mahoney VS Masato Tanaka
ECW - 2000 - Hardcore Heaven 2000
Balls Mahoney VS Kintaro Kanemura
ECW - 2000 - Living Dangerously 2000
Da Baldies VS Axl Rotten & New Jack & Balls Mahoney
ECW - 1999 - November to Remember 1999 - Handicap Match
Rob Van Dam (c) VS Balls Mahoney
ECW - 1999 - Anarchy Rulz 1999
The Dudley Boyz (D-Von Dudley (c) & Buh Buh Ray Dudley (c)) VS Balls Mahoney & Spike Dudley
ECW - 1999 - Heat Wave 1999 - Tag Team Match , ECW World Tag Team Championship Match , Street Fight Match
Balls Mahoney & Spike Dudley VS The Dudley Boyz (D-Von Dudley (c) & Buh Buh Ray Dudley (c))
ECW - 1999 - Hardcore Heaven 1999 - Tag Team Match , ECW World Tag Team Championship Match
Steve Corino VS Balls Mahoney
ECW - 1999 - Living Dangerously 1999
Danny Doring & Roadkill VS The FBI VS Balls Mahoney & Axl Rotten
ECW - 1999 - Guilty As Charged 1999 - Tag Team Match , Three-Way Match , Elimination Match
The Dudley Boyz (D-Von Dudley (c) & Buh Buh Ray Dudley (c)) VS Balls Mahoney & Masato Tanaka
ECW - 1998 - November to Remember 1998 - Tag Team Match , ECW World Tag Team Championship Match
Axl Rotten & Balls Mahoney VS Chris Candido (c) & Lance Storm (c)
ECW - 1998 - Wrestlepalooza 1998 - Tag Team Match , ECW World Tag Team Championship Match
The Dudley Boyz (D-Von Dudley & Bubba Ray Dudley) VS New Jack & Spike Dudley VS Axl Rotten & Balls Mahoney
ECW - 1998 - Living Dangerously 1998 - Tag Team Match , Three-Way Match , Elimination Match
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