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Veja as lutas em destaque | Fight Of The Night

Encontre as últimas partidas de luta livre, classifique por empresa (WWE, AEW, NJPW, etc.), lutador (Roman Reigns, Jon Moxley, Kazuchika Okada, etc.), estipulação ou data ou local da partida.

Osamu Nishimura & Dory Funk Jr. VS Raijin Yaguchi & Atsushi Onita
FMW-E - 2024 - Terry Funk 1st Anniversary Memorial - Onita Atsushi 50th Debut Anniversary Commemoration - Current Explosion Death Match , Tag Team Match , Double Hell Death Match
Royal Rumble Match
WWF - 1996 - Royal Rumble 1996 - Royal Rumble Match
Abdullah the Butcher & Giant Kimala II & Tracy Smothers VS Dory Funk Jr. & The Patriot & Eagles
AJPW - 1993 - Real World Tag League 1993, noite 18 - Six-Person Tag Team Match
Dory Funk Jr. VS Nick Bockwinkel
WCW - 1993 - Slamboree '93: A Legends' Reunion
The Funks VS Malenko Brothers (Dean Malenko & Joe Malenko)
AJPW - 1990 - October Giant Series 1990, noite 16 - Tag Team Match
Dory Funk Jr. VS Kevin Sullivan
JCP - 1987 - The Great American Bash 1987 - Night 27 - Texas Death Match
The Funks VS Bruiser Brody & Stan Hansen
AJPW - 1984 - Real World Tag League 1984 - Night 15 - Tag Team Match
Dory Funk Jr. VS Mike Graham VS Ric Flair VS Butch Reed
CWF - 1982 - Miami Beach Show 1982
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