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Veja as lutas em destaque | Fight Of The Night

Encontre as últimas partidas de luta livre, classifique por empresa (WWE, AEW, NJPW, etc.), lutador (Roman Reigns, Jon Moxley, Kazuchika Okada, etc.), estipulação ou data ou local da partida.

Jim Duggan (c) VS Steve Austin
WCW - 1994 - Halloween Havoc 1994 - WCW United States Heavyweight Championship Match
Steve Austin (c) VS Jim Duggan
WCW - 1994 - Fall Brawl '94: War Games - WCW United States Heavyweight Championship Match
Bam Bam Bigelow VS Jim Duggan
WWF - 1993 - King of the Ring - King of the Ring 1993
Mark Thomas VS Jim Duggan
WWF - 1993 - Monday Night Raw #19
Jim Duggan VS Shawn Michaels (c)
WWF - 1993 - Monday Night Raw #16 - WWF Intercontinental Championship Match , Lumberjack Match
Shawn Michaels (c) VS Jim Duggan
WWF - 1993 - Monday Night Raw #15 - WWF Intercontinental Championship Match
Jim Duggan & Bushwhackers (Bushwhacker Butch & Bushwhacker Luke) VS The Mountie & The Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs & Jerry Sags)
WWF - 1992 - SummerSlam 1992 - Six-Person Tag Team Match
Big Boss Man & Virgil & Sgt. Slaughter & Jim Duggan VS The Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs & Jerry Sags) & Repo Man & The Mountie
WWF - 1992 - WrestleMania VIII - Eight-person Tag Team Match
Royal Rumble Match
WWF - 1992 - Royal Rumble 1992 - Royal Rumble Match , WWF World Heavyweight Championship Match
Sgt. Slaughter & Jim Duggan & The Texas Tornado & Tito Santana VS Col. Mustafa & The Berzerker & Skinner & Hercules
WWF - 1991 - Survivor Series 1991 - Survivor Series Match
Royal Rumble Match
WWF - 1991 - Royal Rumble 1991 - Royal Rumble Match
The Hulkamaniacs VS The Natural Disasters
WWF - 1990 - Survivor Series 1990 - Survivor Series Match
Jim Duggan & Nikolai Volkoff VS The Orient Express
WWF - 1990 - SummerSlam 1990 - Tag Team Match
Jim Duggan VS Dino Bravo
WWF - 1990 - WrestleMania VI
Jim Duggan VS Big Boss Man
WWF - 1990 - Royal Rumble 1990
The King's Court VS The 4x4s
WWF - 1989 - Survivor Series 1989 - Survivor Series Match
Jim Duggan & Ax & Smash VS André the Giant & Akeem & Big Boss Man
WWF - 1989 - SummerSlam 1989 - Six-Person Tag Team Match
Bad News Brown VS Jim Duggan
WWF - 1989 - WrestleMania V
Jim Duggan & The Hart Foundation VS Dino Bravo & The Fabulous Rougeaus
WWF - 1989 - Royal Rumble 1989 - Two Out Of Three Falls Match
André the Giant & Rick Rude & Dino Bravo & Mr. Perfect & Harley Race VS Jim Duggan & Jake Roberts & Scott Casey & Ken Patera & Tito Santana
WWF - 1988 - Survivor Series 1988 - Survivor Series Match
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