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Veja as lutas em destaque | Fight Of The Night

Encontre as últimas partidas de luta livre, classifique por empresa (WWE, AEW, NJPW, etc.), lutador (Roman Reigns, Jon Moxley, Kazuchika Okada, etc.), estipulação ou data ou local da partida.

Terry Funk & The Great Muta VS Four Horsemen (Ric Flair & Sting)
WCW ,  NWA - 1989 - Halloween Havoc - Special Guest Referee Match , Thunderdome Match , Tag Team Match
The Road Warriors (Hawk & Animal) VS The Skyscrapers
WCW ,  NWA - 1989 - Halloween Havoc - Tag Team Match
Lex Luger (c) VS Brian Pillman
WCW ,  NWA - 1989 - Halloween Havoc - NWA United States Heavyweight Championship Match
The Steiner Brothers (Rick Steiner & Scott Steiner) VS Doom (Ron Simmons & Butch Reed)
WCW ,  NWA - 1989 - Halloween Havoc - Tag Team Match
The Fabolous Freebirds VS Dynamic Dudes (Shane Douglas & Johnny Ace)
WCW ,  NWA - 1989 - Halloween Havoc - NWA World Tag Team Championship Match , Tag Team Match
Fidel Sierra VS Tommy Rich
WCW ,  NWA - 1989 - Halloween Havoc
The Samoan Swat Team VS The Midnight Express (Bobby Eaton & Stan Lane) & Steve Williams
WCW ,  NWA - 1989 - Halloween Havoc - Six-Person Tag Team Match
Mike Rotunda VS Tom Zenk
WCW ,  NWA - 1989 - Halloween Havoc
Hulk Hogan & Brutus Beefcake VS Randy Savage & Zeus
WWF - 1989 - SummerSlam 1989 - Tag Team Match
Jimmy Snuka VS Ted DiBiase
WWF - 1989 - SummerSlam 1989
Greg Valentine VS Hercules
WWF - 1989 - SummerSlam 1989
Jim Duggan & Ax & Smash VS André the Giant & Akeem & Big Boss Man
WWF - 1989 - SummerSlam 1989 - Six-Person Tag Team Match
Rick Rude (c) VS The Ultimate Warrior
WWF - 1989 - SummerSlam 1989 - WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Championship Match
Rick Martel & The Fabulous Rougeaus (Jacques Rougeau & Raymond Rougeau) VS Tito Santana & Shawn Michaels & Marty Jannetty
WWF - 1989 - SummerSlam 1989 - Six-Person Tag Team Match
Mr. Perfect VS The Red Rooster
WWF - 1989 - SummerSlam 1989
The Honky Tonk Man VS Dusty Rhodes
WWF - 1989 - SummerSlam 1989
The Hart Foundation (Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart) VS Brain Busters (Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard)
WWF - 1989 - SummerSlam 1989 - Tag Team Match
Koko B. Ware VS Dino Bravo
WWF - 1989 - SummerSlam 1989
Ric Flair (c) VS Terry Funk
NWA ,  WCW - 1989 - The Great American Bash 1989 - NWA Worlds Heavyweight Championship Match
The Road Warriors (Road Warrior Animal & Road Warrior Hawk) & The Midnight Express (Bobby Eaton & Stan Lane) & Steve Williams VS The Fabolous Freebirds & The Samoan SWAT Team
NWA ,  WCW - 1989 - The Great American Bash 1989 - War Games Match
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