Gorilla Position

Shows de catch

Retrouvez les derniers shows de catch, triez par compagnie (WWE, AEW, NJPW, etc.), nom, date, ou lieu de l'événement.




Année 2025
Mois February
Jour 23
CMLL - Domingo Familiar
23/02/2025 - Ciudad de México, Mexique
New Texas - Bulls On Parade
23/02/2025 - Austin, Texas, États-Unis
Royalty - Chivalry Is Dead
23/02/2025 - Sellersville, Pennsylvania, États-Unis
WWE - LFG #2
23/02/2025 - Orlando, Florida, États-Unis
EPW - American Wrestling
23/02/2025 - Darlington, England, Royaume-Uni
EWE - Exposure Wrestling
23/02/2025 - Newport, Wales, Royaume-Uni
Elevation - Coalville Clash
23/02/2025 - Coalville, England, Royaume-Uni
GO! - Ethos
23/02/2025 - Stanhope, New South Wales, Australie
OTT ,  IGPW - Girders x Contenders
23/02/2025 - Glasgow, Scotland, Royaume-Uni
KCW - Enter The Double Dragon
23/02/2025 - Derby, England, Royaume-Uni
LDN - LDN Wrestling
23/02/2025 - Sutton Coldfield, England, Royaume-Uni
Megaslam - 2025 Live Tour - Swindon
23/02/2025 - Swindon, England, Royaume-Uni
NEBULA - Origins Season 2
23/02/2025 - Nottingham, England, Royaume-Uni
OTT ,  IGPW - Girders x Contenders
23/02/2025 - Glasgow, Scotland, Royaume-Uni
Passion Pro - Budapest Dojo #8
23/02/2025 - Budapest, Hongrie
Progress - Chapter 177: My Own Destiny
23/02/2025 - London, England, Royaume-Uni
RevPro - Live In Sheffield February 2025
23/02/2025 - Sheffield, England, Royaume-Uni
UWUK - Broken Hearts & Broken Parts
23/02/2025 - Oxford, England, Royaume-Uni
2AW - Grand Slam in TKP Garden City Chiba
23/02/2025 - Chiba, Japon
DDT - Next Generation 2025 ~ Kisaragi Romance ~
23/02/2025 - Tokyo, Japon
DERA - To Your House vol.12
23/02/2025 - Nagoya, Aichi, Japon
DIE - D.I.E. 11
23/02/2025 - Tokyo, Japon
Diana - Amisuta Taikai #80
23/02/2025 - Kawasaki, Kanagawa, Japon
FTO - 20th Dojo Match - Tiger's Cave
23/02/2025 - Kawasaki, Kanagawa, Japon
GPS - HERO 43 ~ 15th Anniversary
23/02/2025 - Tokyo, Japon
Itabashi - Fan Appreciation Day 2025
23/02/2025 - Tokyo, Japon
Kei-Tora - NWF Kei-Tora Pro Wrestling
23/02/2025 - Tokyo, Japon
Michinoku - Dojo Pro Wrestling
23/02/2025 - Takizawa, Iwate, Japon
Monster's Party - Extra Edition #1
23/02/2025 - Tokyo, Japon
OZ Academy - Angels of the Abyss @ Osaka
23/02/2025 - Osaka, Japon





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