Gorilla Position

Shows de catch

Retrouvez les derniers shows de catch, triez par compagnie (WWE, AEW, NJPW, etc.), nom, date, ou lieu de l'événement.




Année 2023
Mois December
Jour 3
CMLL - Domingo Familiar
03/12/2023 - Ciudad de México, Mexique
GCW - What Is Your Choice?
03/12/2023 - New York City, New York, États-Unis
IWRG - Triangular De Tercias
03/12/2023 - Naucalpan de Juárez, Estado de México, Mexique
SOM - Revolution #6
03/12/2023 - Chuckey, Tennessee, États-Unis
West Coast Pro - MONSTER
03/12/2023 - Los Angeles, California, États-Unis
Worldwide Dojo - Captured Lightning #66
03/12/2023 - Bristol, Pennsylvania, États-Unis
DCW - 2 Year Anniversary Show
03/12/2023 - Kidderminster, England, Royaume-Uni
RevPro - Live In London #80
03/12/2023 - London, England, Royaume-Uni
SPW - Halloween Haunting 2023
03/12/2023 - Invercargill, Nouvelle-Zélande
GWF - Final Countdown 2023
03/12/2023 - Berlin, Allemagne
2AW - Grand Slam in Korakuen Hall
03/12/2023 - Tokyo, Japon
AJPW - Real World Tag League 2023 - Nuit 9
03/12/2023 - Austin, Texas, États-Unis
Bukotsu - Year End Party
03/12/2023 - Osaka, Japon
DDT - D-King Grand Prix 2023 in Shinjuku - Nuit 2
03/12/2023 - Tokyo, Japon
DG - Fantastic Gate 2023 - Nuit 3
03/12/2023 - Sapporo, Hokkaidō, Japon
Dove Pro - Bump Bump Revolution 19
03/12/2023 - Hiroshima, Japon
Indy - Kawanashi Pro-Wrestling Festival 2023 - Produced by Billy Ken Kid
03/12/2023 - Kawanishi, Hyōgo, Japon
Michinoku - PWLL Champion Series - Nuit 2
03/12/2023 - Takizawa, Iwate, Japon
NJPW - World Tag League 2023 - Nuit 11
03/12/2023 - Himeji, Hyogo, Japon
Shi-En - Shi-En in Uehonmachi High High Town
03/12/2023 - Osaka, Japon
Stardom - Stardom in Wakayama
03/12/2023 - Umehara, Wakayama, Japon
ZERO1 - Eliminate Bullying in Children and Keep Them Energetic ~ Truly Strong People Don't Get Bullied and Stand Up Again and Again ~
03/12/2023 - Tokyo, Japon





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