Gorilla Position

Colt Cabana - Matchs

Voir les combats mis en avant | Fight Of The Night

Retrouvez les derniers combats de catch, triez par compagnie (WWE, AEW, NJPW, etc.), catcheur (Roman Reigns, Jon Moxley, Kazuchika Okada, etc.), stipulation, ou date ou lieu du match.

Chuck Taylor VS Colt Cabana
PWG - 2009 - Threemendous II - Sixth Anniversary Event
Ace Steel VS Colt Cabana
ROH - 2009 - Take No Prisoners 2009
Colt Cabana VS Chris Hero (c)
PWG - 2009 - One Hundred - PWG World Championship Match
Chris Hero (c) VS Colt Cabana VS Human Tornado
PWG - 2009 - Express Written Consent - Three-Way Match , PWG World Championship Match
Colt Cabana & Top Gun Talwar VS Disco Machine & Kikutaro
PWG - 2007 - All Star Weekend V, nuit 2 - Tag Team Match
Matt Classic VS Kikutaro
PWG - 2007 - All Star Weekend V, nuit 1
Colt Cabana VS Karl Anderson
PWG - 2007 - Album Of The Year
Colt Cabana VS Rocky Romero
PWG - 2007 - Based On A True Story
Brent Albright & Jimmy Jacobs VS Colt Cabana & B. J. Whitmer
ROH - 2006 - Final Battle 2006 - Tag Team Match
Colt Cabana VS Brent Albright
ROH - 2006 - International Challenge
Christopher Daniels VS Colt Cabana
PWG - 2006 - All Star Weekend IV, nuit 2
Colt Cabana VS Petey Williams
PWG - 2006 - All Star Weekend IV, nuit 1
Christopher Daniels VS Colt Cabana VS Jimmy Jacobs
ROH - 2006 - Glory By Honor V, nuit 2 - Three-Way Match
Ricky Reyes VS Colt Cabana VS Jack Evans VS Jimmy Jacobs
ROH - 2006 - Glory By Honor V, nuit 1 - Four Corners Survival Match
Colt Cabana & Delirious & M-Dogg 20 & Quicksilver VS The Kings Of Wrestling (Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli) & Necro Butcher & Rocky Romero
PWG - 2006 - Battle Of Los Angeles 2006, nuit 3 - Eight-person Tag Team Match
Colt Cabana VS Chris Sabin
PWG - 2006 - Battle Of Los Angeles 2006, nuit 1 - Battle Of Los Angeles 2006
Colt Cabana VS Top Gun Talwar
PWG - 2006 - Threemendous
Colt Cabana VS Human Tornado
PWG - 2006 - (Please Don't Call It) The O.C.
Colt Cabana VS Alex Koslov
PWG - 2006 - Permanent Vacation/Card Subject To Change 2
Scorpio Sky VS Colt Cabana
PWG - 2005 - Astonishing X-Mas





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