Gorilla Position

Yoya - Matchs

Voir les combats mis en avant | Fight Of The Night

Retrouvez les derniers combats de catch, triez par compagnie (WWE, AEW, NJPW, etc.), catcheur (Roman Reigns, Jon Moxley, Kazuchika Okada, etc.), stipulation, ou date ou lieu du match.

Brogan Finlay VS Bam Sullivan VS Unknown VS Charlie Tiger VS Ciclope VS CPA VS Kaia McKenna VS Jay Sawyer VS John Wayne Murdoch VS Parrow VS Miedo Extremo VS Steve Off VS Yoya VS Yoshihiko VS 1 Called Manders VS Charles Mason VS Grim Reefer VS Marcus Mathers VS Steve Scott
JCW - 2023 - Big Ass Extreme Birthday Bash - Bunkhouse Stampede Match
Young Dumb N Broke (Charlie Tiger & Ellis Taylor) VS The Mane Event (Jay Lyon & Midas Black) VS Wasted Youth (Dyln McKay & Marcus Mathers) VS YoKai (Yoya & Janai Kai)
JCW - 2023 - After Hours 3 - Tag Team Match , Four-Way Match
Yoya VS Dante Leon VS Cole Radrick VS Jack Cartwheel VS Marcus Mathers VS Dyln McKay
GCW ,  JCW - 2023 - Jersey J-Cup 2023 - Session 1 - Jersey J-Cup 2023 - Scramble Match , Six-Way Match
Team GCW VS Team New South
GCW ,  New South - 2023 - GCW Vs. New South - Twelve-person Tag Team Match
Yoya VS Brogan Finlay VS Terry Yaki VS Jimmy Lloyd VS Brandon Williams VS Marcus Mathers VS Hunter Drake VS Donnie Primetime
GCW - 2023 - Take A Picture 2023 - Eight-way Match , Scramble Match
Yoya VS Terry Yaki VS Axton Ray VS Zenshi VS Jimmy Lloyd VS Marcus Mathers
GCW - 2023 - Don't Talk To Me - Scramble Match , Six-Way Match
30 Person Do Or Die Rumble
GCW - 2023 - 56 Nights - Do Or Die Match , Rumble Match





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