Gorilla Position

Toshiyo Yamada - Matchs

Voir les combats mis en avant | Fight Of The Night

Retrouvez les derniers combats de catch, triez par compagnie (WWE, AEW, NJPW, etc.), catcheur (Roman Reigns, Jon Moxley, Kazuchika Okada, etc.), stipulation, ou date ou lieu du match.

Manami Toyota (c) & Toshiyo Yamada (c) VS Double Inoue (Kyoko Inoue & Takako Inoue)
AJW - 1994 - Wrestlemarinpiad 1994 - Tag Team Match , Two Out Of Three Falls Match , WWWA Tag Team Championship Match
Akira Hokuto & Manami Toyota VS Kyoko Inoue & Toshiyo Yamada
AJW - 1993 - Tag League The Best 1993, nuit 43 - Tag Team Match
Akira Hokuto & Manami Toyota VS Kyoko Inoue & Toshiyo Yamada
AJW - 1993 - Tag League The Best 1993, nuit 43 - Tag Team Match
Dynamite Kansai (c) & Mayumi Ozaki (c) VS Manami Toyota & Toshiyo Yamada
AJW - 1993 - St. Battle Final 1993 - Tag Team Match , WWWA Tag Team Championship Match
Manami Toyota (c) & Toshiyo Yamada (c) VS Dynamite Kansai & Mayumi Ozaki
AJW - 1993 - Dream Slam 2 - Tag Team Match , WWWA Tag Team Championship Match
Manami Toyota & Toshiyo Yamada VS Megumi Kudo & Combat Toyoda
AJW - 1993 - Dream Slam 1 - Tag Team Match
Manami Toyota (c) VS Toshiyo Yamada
AJW - 1992 - Mid Summer Typhoon - Hair vs Hair Match , IWA World Championship (AJW) Match





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