Gorilla Position

Matchs de catch

Voir les combats mis en avant | Fight Of The Night

Retrouvez les derniers combats de catch, triez par compagnie (WWE, AEW, NJPW, etc.), catcheur (Roman Reigns, Jon Moxley, Kazuchika Okada, etc.), stipulation, ou date ou lieu du match.

Monty Brown VS Jeff Hardy
TNA - 2005 - Genesis
3 Live Kru (B.G. James & Ron Killings) & Konan VS Team Canada (A-1 & Bobby Roode) & Ron Killings
TNA - 2005 - Genesis - Hockey Stick Fight Match , Special Guest Referee Match , Tag Team Match
Raven VS P.J. Polaco
TNA - 2005 - Genesis
The Diamonds in the Rough VS Lance Hoyt & The Naturals (Andy Douglas & Chase Stevens)
TNA - 2005 - Genesis - Six-Person Tag Team Match
Nigel McGuinness VS Shark Boy
TNA - 2005 - Genesis
John Cena (c) VS Shawn Michaels VS Kurt Angle
WWE - 2005 - Taboo Tuesday 2005 - Triple Threat Match , WWE Championship Match
Triple H VS Ric Flair (c)
WWE - 2005 - Taboo Tuesday 2005 - Steel Cage Match , WWE Intercontinental Championship Match
Fulfill Your Fantasy Battle Royal
WWE - 2005 - Taboo Tuesday 2005 - Battle Royal Match , WWE Women's Championship Match
Batista VS Jonathan Coachman
WWE - 2005 - Taboo Tuesday 2005 - Street Fight Match
Big Show & Kane VS Lance Cade (c) & Trevor Murdoch (c)
WWE - 2005 - Taboo Tuesday 2005 - Tag Team Match , WWE World Tag Team Championship Match
Mankind VS Carlito
WWE - 2005 - Taboo Tuesday 2005
Rob Conway & Tyson Tomko VS Eugene & Jimmy Snuka
WWE - 2005 - Taboo Tuesday 2005 - Tag Team Match
Matt Hardy & Rey Mysterio VS Chris Masters & Snitsky
WWE - 2005 - Taboo Tuesday 2005 - Tag Team Match
Shelton Benjamin & Val Venis VS Kerwin White & Matt Striker
WWE - 2005 - Taboo Tuesday 2005 - Tag Team Match
Roderick Strong VS Bryan Danielson (c)
ROH - 2005 - This Means War - ROH World Championship Match
Curry Man VS Jay Lethal
ROH - 2005 - This Means War
Colt Cabana VS B-Boy
ROH - 2005 - This Means War
Austin Aries VS AJ Styles
ROH - 2005 - This Means War
Kikutaro VS B. J. Whitmer VS Nosawa VS Nigel McGuinness
ROH - 2005 - This Means War - Four Corners Survival Match
Mitch Franklin VS Ricky Reyes
ROH - 2005 - This Means War





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