Gorilla Position

Matchs de catch

Voir les combats mis en avant | Fight Of The Night

Retrouvez les derniers combats de catch, triez par compagnie (WWE, AEW, NJPW, etc.), catcheur (Roman Reigns, Jon Moxley, Kazuchika Okada, etc.), stipulation, ou date ou lieu du match.

The Undertaker VS Randy Orton
WWE - 2005 - Armageddon 2005 - Hell in a Cell Match
Rey Mysterio & Batista VS Big Show & Kane
WWE - 2005 - Armageddon 2005 - Tag Team Match
Juventud (c) VS Kid Kash
WWE - 2005 - Armageddon 2005 - WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match
Bobby Lashley VS William Regal & Paul Burchill
WWE - 2005 - Armageddon 2005 - Handicap Match
Chris Benoit VS Booker T
WWE - 2005 - Armageddon 2005 - Best of Seven Match , WWE United States Championship Match
The Mexicools VS MNM (Joey Mercury & Johnny Nitro)
WWE - 2005 - Armageddon 2005 - Tag Team Match
John "Bradshaw" Layfield VS Matt Hardy
WWE - 2005 - Armageddon 2005
Jamie Noble VS Funaki
WWE - 2005 - Armageddon 2005
Super Dragon VS Kevin Steen
PWG - 2005 - Astonishing X-Mas - Guerrilla Warfare Match
Chris Sabin & Frankie Kazarian & Rocky Romero & T.J. Perkins VS Alex Koslov & B-Boy & Christopher Daniels & Petey Williams
PWG - 2005 - Astonishing X-Mas - Eight-person Tag Team Match
Samoa Joe VS Davey Richards
PWG - 2005 - Astonishing X-Mas
Chris Kanyon VS Joey Ryan (c)
PWG - 2005 - Astonishing X-Mas - PWG World Championship Match
Two Skinny Black Guys VS Generation Next (Jack Evans & Roderick Strong)
PWG - 2005 - Astonishing X-Mas - Tag Team Match
Scorpio Sky VS Colt Cabana
PWG - 2005 - Astonishing X-Mas
Nemesis & Ronin VS Quicksilver & Top Gun Talwar
PWG - 2005 - Astonishing X-Mas - Tag Team Match
Alex Shelley VS Scott Lost
PWG - 2005 - Astonishing X-Mas
Jeff Jarrett (c) VS Rhino
TNA - 2005 - Turning Point 2005 - NWA Worlds Heavyweight Championship Match
Samoa Joe VS A.J. Styles (c)
TNA - 2005 - Turning Point 2005 - TNA X Division Championship Match
America's Most Wanted (Chris Harris & James Storm) VS Team 3D (Brother Devon & Brother Ray)
TNA - 2005 - Turning Point 2005 - Tables Match , Tag Team Match
Monty Brown VS Christian Cage
TNA - 2005 - Turning Point 2005





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