Gorilla Position

Matchs de catch

Voir les combats mis en avant | Fight Of The Night

Retrouvez les derniers combats de catch, triez par compagnie (WWE, AEW, NJPW, etc.), catcheur (Roman Reigns, Jon Moxley, Kazuchika Okada, etc.), stipulation, ou date ou lieu du match.

Hulk Hogan VS Sgt. Slaughter & Col. Mustafa & General Adnan
WWF - 1991 - SummerSlam 1991 - Handicap Match , Special Guest Referee Match
Greg Valentine VS Irwin R. Schyster
WWF - 1991 - SummerSlam 1991
Legion Of Doom (Hawk & Animal) VS The Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs (c) & Jerry Sags (c))
WWF - 1991 - SummerSlam 1991 - Street Fight Match , WWF Tag Team Championship Match
The Mountie VS Big Boss Man
WWF - 1991 - SummerSlam 1991 - Jailhouse Match
Ted DiBiase (c) VS Virgil
WWF - 1991 - SummerSlam 1991 - Million Dollar Championship Match
Natural Disasters (Earthquake & Typhoon) VS Bushwhackers (Bushwhacker Butch & Bushwhacker Luke)
WWF - 1991 - SummerSlam 1991 - Tag Team Match
Mr. Perfect (c) VS Bret Hart
WWF - 1991 - SummerSlam 1991 - WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Championship Match
The Warlord & Paul Roma & Hercules VS The Dragon & The British Bulldog & The Texas Tornado
WWF - 1991 - SummerSlam 1991 - Six-Person Tag Team Match
Koko B. Ware VS Kato
WWF - 1991 - SummerSlam 1991





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